What to Wear for Jury Duty

Dressing for Jury Duty If you are summoned to court for jury duty, and are wondering what to wear for jury duty, remember that you will be in a formal setting and should dress accordingly. Most people wear suits or dresses to court, but there is no specific dress code. It’s your civic duty to...

Criminal Solicitor – Drink Driving

One of the most common offences that a criminal solicitor deals with is drink driving. As you may know, the majority of these offences are not committed by hardened criminals. More often than not, they are regular people like you, who have had a few drinks on the way home and they happened upon the breathalyzer tests that are randomly being conducted by officers that patrol the roads.

Drink Driving Charges

Most people never even consider the possibility of needing the services of criminal lawyers Sydney, until they are arrested and charged for an offence, the most common of which in many areas of Sydney are drink driving charges.

Should You Make a Bail Application?

If you or a friend or loved one have been arrested and charged with criminal offences and refused bail by the Police, then you might think that the most important first step is to apply for Bail by making a Bail application (also known as a “Release application”) to the Court.

Criminal Lawyer in Sydney and Elsewhere

A criminal lawyer appears in Court on your behalf in relation to any type of criminal offence or charge. If you have been charged with a criminal offence, you should call to enquire about representation for your case as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the day before you have to attend Court!

Stalk or Intimidate Offences

There are several offences of Stalking or Intimidation, also commonly referred to as Stalk or Intimidate, including Stalk, Harass, or Intimidate a Police or other Law Enforcement Officer (Division 8A, Crimes Act 1900), and Stalk, Harass or Intimidate a school student or school teacher or other school staff member (Division 8B, Crimes Act 1900).

Lawyer for Larceny Offence

Larceny, or theft of personal property, is a common law offence, and is provided for in Division 5 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). It is punishable by up to five years imprisonment (section 117, Crimes Act). There are a number of factors taken into consideration by the Court to determine whether a larceny offence is established by the Prosecution.

Brigitte Simeonides & Associates, Solicitors, P.O. Box 2068, PEAKHURST. N.S.W. 2210.

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