Criminal Lawyers Sydney

Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs represent clients in Courts all over the Sydney metropolitan area in all types of criminal proceedings. If you have been charged with any type of criminal offence, we can optimise the outcome you receive from the Court. On pleas of guilty our criminal lawyers will put to the Court a considered and comprehensive plea in mitigation of sentence so the penalty you receive will be minimised. If you are pleading not guilty, Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs will defend you and ensure that the Court hears every aspect of your defence, with the best chance of your being found not guilty.

ABOUT USCriminal Lawyers Sydney

Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs represent clients in Courts all over the Sydney metropolitan area in all types of criminal proceedings. If you have been charged with any type of criminal offence, we can optimise the outcome you receive from the Court. On pleas of guilty our criminal lawyers will put to the Court a considered and comprehensive plea in mitigation of sentence so the penalty you receive will be minimised. If you are pleading not guilty, Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs will defend you and ensure that the Court hears every aspect of your defence, with the best chance of your being found not guilty.

Criminal Lawyers Sydney

If you have been charged with any type of traffic or criminal offence and have to go to Court, call Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs – Brigitte Simeonides & Associates – (02) 9533 2269.

A criminal charge is not limited to the more serious level of offence such as assault, major fraud, a drug matter, murder and robbery. Less serious crimes, known as summary offences, which include some types of traffic offence, plus many other types of offence, are fairly common, and you may need a criminal solicitor firm in Sydney to represent you in a Court located throughout metropolitan Sydney and suburbs. For defence advice on the law and representation in your case, you can’t go past the best criminal law firm office in Sydney for your case. We can represent you from bail application to conclusion of the Court case.

Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

By prior appointment only to see a Sydney criminal lawyer at our Sydney street location, but call us first on (02) 9533 2269


Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs

Brigitte Simeonides & Associates – Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs
When you are arrested, and regardless of what type of charge you are being arrested for (major or more minor) you should ideally contact a criminal law firm about the charge, or list of charges, and about your options immediately. Possibly you have not been formally arrested, but may still have received a Court Attendance Notice requiring you to attend Court in relation to charges. Maybe you have already decided on whether to plead guilty or not guilty. Some people have already done this before they even leave the police station. But do you really know what would be in your best interests in this regard? If you have been charged with an offence, becoming the client of a good criminal defence lawyer for your case could be vital.

Criminal Solicitor Sydney

Criminal Law Solicitors Sydney criminal lawyers can discuss with you whether you should plead guilty or not guilty to the offence or offences you have been charged with at the police station, and generally help you with the best possible defence or other outcome.

Can a client represent themselves? Certainly. There is nothing to prevent a client from doing so. Should you represent yourself? Unless you really have a good grasp of the law, and Court procedure, and the order in which to structure your case for the Court, you would do well to retain the law firm Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs, who have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that all factors of the charge, the evidence, any available defence, and the particular circumstances of your case are fully considered.

You don’t want to end up with a legal order or outcome that could have been avoided with a great Sydney criminal lawyer running your case!


Assault Lawyer
Assault Lawyer
Being arrested for an assault related offence can be a scary and confusing time. If this has happened to you or someone you love, you can’t afford to face the consequences alone. Criminal law solicitors can help with assault charges and all your other legal needs.
AVO / Domestic Violence Lawyer
AVO / Domestic Violence Lawyer
What is an AVO? It stands for Apprehended Violence Order. There are 2 types of these – Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders and Apprehended Personal Violence Orders. What is the difference? Well, as the names suggest, an ADVO.
Bail Lawyer
Bail Lawyer
If you or a friend or loved one have been arrested and charged with criminal offences and refused bail by the Police, then you might think that the most important first step is to apply for Bail by making a Bail application (also known as a “Release application”) to the Court.
Children's Court Lawyer
Children's Court Lawyer

The NSW Children’s Court is a specialist Court and not many criminal lawyers practise in this area. Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs have extensive experience in appearing for children and young persons in all Children’s Courts in the metropolitan area and beyond.

defence lawyers
Criminal Defence Lawyers

Have you been charged with a criminal offence and you want to plead Not Guilty? Or are you unsure whether you should plead Guilty or Not Guilty? Obtain legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity on your best course of action to have a clear plan ahead of you.

Drink Driving / Traffic Lawyer
Drink Driving / Traffic Lawyer
If you have been charged with a PCA offence – colloquially known as drink driving, then you are probably looking for drink driving lawyers to assist you. From our team are experienced in all facets of the law as it relates to offences of drink driving. They will advise you
Drug Lawyer
Drug Lawyer
If you have been charged with a drug related offence, Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs can help. Drug charges range from possession for personal use to possession or supply of commercial quantities, importing and manufacturing drugs.
Fraud Lawyer
Fraud Lawyer
Fraud charges cover a range of offence types. Many fraud matters involve complex "paper trail" evidence (including digital) that needs to be read and understood thoroughly so as to provide the most effective defence, or a plea of guilty if the evidence against you is strong.
Mental Health Lawyer
Mental Health Lawyer
If you suffer from a mental illness, condition or disorder, or a developmental disability, and you have been charged with a criminal offence, you may possibly be eligible to be dealt with pursuant to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act.
Section 10 - No Conviction
Section 10 - No Conviction
Criminal Lawyers Sydney are experienced in arguing for Section 10 to be applied. Call us to ask whether you could be entitled to having the Court deal with you under Section 10 – (02) 9533 2269 . Section 10 can be applied in a wide variety of circumstances
Sexual Assault Lawyer
Sexual Assault Lawyer
There are a variety of types of sexual assault charges, but most are serious matters. You should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. We deal with all types of sexual assaults, as well as other types of sex related crimes such as possession of child abuse material.
Stealing Charges Lawyer

Have you been charged with Larceny? Break and Enter? Robbery? Or some other offence involving dishonesty? Stealing offences range from relatively minor to very serious. Either way, you should seek legal representation for the best outcome.

Looking for a Criminal Lawyer Sydney to Review Your Defence Case?

What do you, the client, need to look for in a good criminal solicitor? Review or enquire about their credentials and experience. There are traffic and criminal lawyers fresh out of law school who may do an adequate job, but they also don’t have the know-how that only extensive defence experience can bring.

It is not just the knowledge of the law and practise, but the confidence and authority that only an experienced solicitor has, that you should look for. So beware of going to a criminal law firm with multiple solicitors, including inexperienced ones. All lawyers in Australia do have to start somewhere, but you probably don’t want a lawyer with little Court experience gaining experience by appearing for you!

Checking for a favourable review or testimonial could also assist you in your decision (although not every criminal client is keen to publish reviews that will identify them with the type of matter they were charged with).

Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs

is a law firm with a suburban Sydney criminal lawyer who appears in Sydney Local Courts, Sydney Criminal District and Supreme Courts, Local Courts throughout the metropolitan area and beyond for a criminal lawyer Sydney including Liverpool, Burwood Bankstown, Sutherland, Parramatta and numerous other locations, as well as Parramatta District Criminal Court, and many more – click here for a full list of Courts with their street addresses, how close they are to a train station, and more.

Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs (from Parramatta to Liverpool, Sutherland to Hornsby, Burwood to Bankstown, Blacktown to Waverley) appear in relation to every type of traffic and criminal matter – here is a list of just a few examples of the types of criminal and traffic charges our firm will review and deal with for our clients regularly:

  • Domestic Violence matters, including Breach/Contravene Apprehended Violence Order (AVO)
  • Affray and other offences related to public order/disorder
  • Break and Enter offences
  • Drink Driving and Drug Driving matters
  • Firearm charges
  • All types of Assault Charge, including Common Assault charge, Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm and Assault Occasioning Grievous Bodily Harm
  • Drug charges including Possess Prohibited Drug, Supply Prohibited Drug, and Drug Trafficking offences
  • Fraud offences
  • Manslaughter and Murder
  • Robbery offences
  • Sexual assault and other sexual offences
  • Stalking, Intimidating, Harassment
  • Stealing offences
  • Traffic offences
  • Unlawful pornography matters
  • Wounding offences
  • and many more types of defence and sentence matters. A criminal lawyer Sydney from our firm can appear for you.


I was referred to Brigitte Simeonides & Associates by a friend. Prior to meeting with Brigitte, I was anxious about what was to come concerning my charges. Brigitte provided invaluable guidance and assistance which made what should have been be a daunting procedure into a simple and uncomplicated experience. Her experience in her profession shows in the courtroom through her commanding defence. I could not have wished for a better lawyer and will refer her to anybody who is in need of an efficient and professional representative in court. Thanks Brigitte for all of your support. I wish you and your team all the best for the future.
Sina S



Brigitte was incredibly helpful to me when I was wrongfully accused of a crime. She spent many hours preparing me for what was to come and teaching me what was to be expected on my court date. Needless to say, my charge was dropped in a matter of minutes due to Brigittes unrivalled courtroom presence. Brigitte’s knowledge of the field is extensive and from my own experience with her I can assure that you will be pleased with her service. I recommend Brigitte to any person who is facing court that would like to be prepared and is seeking the most professional advocate. Thank you once again to Brigitte and the team at Brigitte Simeonides & Associates!
Shenae G



A few years I got myself in a bit of trouble with the police and was really worried about my impending court date and having no idea about to what to expect. Best thing I ever did was call Brigitte and ask her to help me. She eased all my fears about the upcoming court date by explaining to me the worst case scenario and she preparing me for the worst but in the end she ended up getting me the best possible result I could of asked for.
Jordan S



Have you been charged with a criminal offence and you want to plead Not Guilty? Or are you unsure whether you should plead Guilty or Not Guilty?

Find an experienced criminal solicitor right here – Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs – call (02) 9533 2269 now.

Become a client this year of an exceptional criminal lawyer Sydney firm – Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs – Brigitte Simeonides & Associates – contact us for an appointment and let us review your case for your best Court order outcome today. And yes, our Sydney criminal lawyer will do a free consultation by phone.

Call Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs on (02) 9533 2269 for an appointment with this firm to discuss your criminal or traffic matter, including your defence, sentencing, or your Court date generally. We are happy to see you at a Court or other location to suit you. Your appointment can also be by phone, or a video call (Skype).

A criminal lawyer Sydney from our firm will review a client’s case and give the client advice in a manner and in an order that will make sense to you, so you’ll have a good idea what to expect before you go into the Courtroom in one of the Sydney city Court venues including the Downing Centre, Liverpool Street Central Local Court, Sydney District Court, Sydney Supreme Court, as well Burwood, Bankstown, Sutherland, Liverpool and Parramatta criminal jurisdictions, or any of the Courts in the metropolitan area. Also contact us for an appointment – by calling (02) 9533 2269 to consult with a criminal lawyer Sydney at our firm’s city office to discuss your court case: Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs – Brigitte Simeonides & Associates

Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  • by prior appointment only to see a Sydney criminal lawyer at our Sydney street location
  • but call us first on (02) 9533 2269

Criminal Solicitor SydneyFurther Info
Brigitte Simeonides & Associates, Solicitors, P.O. Box 2068, PEAKHURST. N.S.W. 2210.

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(c) 2022 – Brigitte Simeonides & Associates – Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs

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