Criminal Lawyers SydneyCriminal Defence Lawyers

For experienced criminal defence lawyers, call (02) 9533 2269. Have you been charged with a criminal offence and you want to plead Not Guilty? Or are you unsure whether you should plead Guilty or Not Guilty?

Criminal Defence Lawyers

can help you with your defence, and will advise you on whether you should be defending your matter (pleading Not Guilty), or pleading Guilty with an explanation about the circumstances of the offence. It is important that you obtain legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity.

A competent criminal defence lawyer can certainly represent you if you decide you need representation at a later stage, but to ensure that your solicitor is in a position to fully prepare your case, the earlier you obtain that legal advice, the better it is likely to be for you.

Call Criminal Defence Lawyers to Find Out Your Options

Call us now – (02) 9533 2269 – to find out what your options are. We will advise you on your best course of action so you will have a clear plan ahead of you, and an understanding of what steps will need to be taken to defend your case (or to plead Guilty as the case may be).

So what exactly is involved in defending a criminal charge? Well, that depends on the type of charge, but the prosecution must prove every element of each charge. You as the Accused do not have to prove anything. However, if the Police have some reasonably strong evidence against you (even if it is purely circumstantial), good criminal defence lawyers look for every opportunity to cast doubt on aspects of the prosecution case. If once all the evidence has been heard there is sufficient doubt such that a Magistrate or Judge is not able to find guilt beyond reasonable doubt, then you will be acquitted (found to be not guilty of the offence).

Our criminal defence lawyers attend Courts in Sydney, Parramatta, Liverpool, Sutherland, Burwood, Bankstown, Campbelltown, Newtown, Penrith, Blacktown, Mount Druitt, and many more.

Call our Experienced Criminal Defence Lawyers

Our experienced criminal defence lawyers will be happy to discuss your options with you – call us on (02) 9533 2269.

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Brigitte Simeonides & Associates, Solicitors, P.O. Box 2068, PEAKHURST. N.S.W. 2210.

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