If you need a Parramatta criminal lawyer, call Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs for fixed-fee legal representation now – (02) 9533 2269.
Parramatta Local Court deals with a wide range of criminal cases, including:
For Parramatta lawyers, call Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs for fixed-fee legal representation now – (02) 9533 2269.
Parramatta Local Courthouse is located at 12 George Street, Parramatta. The adjoining police station is around the corner in Marsden Street. Parramatta has had a courthouse dating back to colonial times, dating back as far as 1791, although the location of it has varied. The current Local Court building houses many Court rooms, and there will usually be at least 4 Magistrates sitting on any particular day. Parramatta Local Court also hears bail applications from throughout the metropolitan area on weekends and holidays. It sits then specifically as the Parramatta Bails Court. Parramatta is located west of Sydney, and is accessible by Car, Train and Bus.
STREET ADDRESS – 12 George Street, PARRAMATTA. NSW. 2150.
TELEPHONE – 1300 679 272
FAX – (02) 8688 9602
EMAIL – local-court-parramatta@justice.nsw.gov.au
If you are looking for experienced criminal lawyers Parramatta, Click Here to request an appointment with Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs for a Parramatta Local Court criminal lawyer, or call us on (02) 9533 2269 today