Other Legal MattersWhat Does a Barrister Do

September 23, 20220

What is a Barrister and What Does a Barrister Do?

what does a barrister doBarristers play an important role in the legal system, but what does a barrister do? They provide specialist legal advice and represent clients in court. Barristers can act as both advocates and advisors. This means that they can not only represent clients in court, but they can also give them advice on legal matters outside of court.

Barristers are typically instructed by solicitors to represent clients in specific cases. A few barristers may also take instructions directly from clients, and be involved in the preparation of cases for trial and the provision of legal advice directly to clients. Barristers usually specialize in a particular area of law, such as criminal law, family law, commercial law or equity law, to name a few areas of practise.

The role of a barrister is to provide independent and impartial legal advice to clients, and to represent them in court. Barristers must be able independently to research legal issues, and to prepare and present cases in court. They must also be able to advise clients on the merits of their case and on the likely outcome of proceedings.

How to Become a Barrister

In New South Wales, Australia, there are a few key steps that you must take in order to become a barrister. First, you must complete a law degree at an accredited university. Once you have graduated, you will then need to complete a practical legal training requirement and then apply for a compliance certificate to the Legal Profession Admission Board’s (LPAB).

To receive the certificate, the LPAB must be satisfied that you are a “fit and proper person” to practise law. After receiving the compliance certificate from the LPAB, you will then need to be admitted as a barrister by the Supreme Court of NSW.

Once you have met all of these requirements, you will be able to practise as a “reader” in NSW. A reader in lay terms is basically an “apprentice” barrister. The reading program is a 12 months program, after which a barrister can practise on his or her own account. During this period, readers are also required to undertake a Bar Practice Course.

Benefits of Having a Barrister Represent You in Court

There are many benefits of having a barrister represent you when you go to court.

First, a barrister is an expert in the law and will know how to argue your case in the most effective way.

Second, a barrister is independent and impartial, which means that they will only be representing your interests and not those of any other party.

Third, a barrister has the right to speak on your behalf in court, which means that they can present your argument in the clearest and most persuasive way possible.

Finally, a barrister is bound by the rules of professional conduct, which means that they will always act in your best interests. If you are facing legal proceedings, you should strongly consider hiring a barrister to represent you.


Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs represent clients in all types of criminal cases. Most often we represent clients in Court without the need for a barrister. But if you prefer to have a barrister as well, we will brief one for you. Sometimes a barrister is essential, and if so, we will let you know that.

Call Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs for representation in Court
(02) 9533 2269

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