Other Legal MattersWhat Does a Solicitor Do?

September 8, 20220

What a Solicitor Does on A Day-to-Day Basis

what does solicitor doSolicitor is one of the most common jobs in law, and it’s one of the most popular career paths for legal professionals. You might be wondering what exactly that involves on a day-to-day basis. A solicitor is retained by their client to assist them with their legal issues by advising them on strategies for handling their case. The services provided by a solicitor can be very general or very niche depending on their clients’ needs. They can work in many different industries including real estate, healthcare, financial services, and more, as well as in private practice. There are so many different tasks that a solicitor does on a day-to-day basis. Keep reading to learn more!

Review and Analyse the Facts of a Case

A solicitor will usually begin by reviewing the facts of the case and the documentation related to it. This can include reviewing police reports, interviewing witnesses, and reading through the client’s medical records if the client has a personal injury case or often in criminal cases as well. The solicitor will then analyse this information to try to determine the best legal strategy for the case. They will also work with their client to identify which facts are most important to the client. This is an important first step that many people don’t often think about when picturing what a solicitor does on a day-to-day basis. The solicitor needs to fully understand the facts of their client’s case in order to determine the best course of action. Otherwise, they could risk making a bad mistake that could negatively affect their client’s case.

Draft Legal Documents

A solicitor will draft legal documents such as contracts, affidavits, wills, and more. For example, a solicitor might draft a financial settlement document if they’re representing a client in a divorce case, a contract for the sale of a business, or a witness statement. It’s important to note that while solicitors often draft the initial version of these documents at an early stage, they may go back and amend them after receiving feedback from their client or information from the opposing party. A solicitor might draft a contract to outline the terms of a business relationship between two parties. Or they might draft a will to dictate how a person’s property is distributed after their death. There are a variety of different legal documents that solicitors will draft on a day-to-day basis.

Advise Clients

A solicitor will advise their client on the best strategy to pursue for their case. This can include reviewing the facts of the case with the client to understand the full situation that they’re dealing with. A solicitor will also help their client understand what their legal rights are in the situation and what the best strategy is for pursuing those rights. For example, if a client has received a traffic related ticket, their solicitor will review the details of their case and advise them on the best course of action they should take. This can include challenging the ticket in court if appropriate or requesting a dismissal.

Communicate with Opposing Parties and Counsel

A solicitor will communicate with the other party in the case, as well as with counsel, if briefed, and their client. They might use phone calls, letters, emails, or even text messages to communicate. A solicitor might communicate with an opposing party to try to negotiate a settlement. Or they might communicate with them to prepare for a court date. They might also communicate with the opposing counsel to go over the details of the case and try to reach an agreement. Communication is one of the most important parts of a solicitor’s job. They need to understand their client’s situation as well as the details of the opposing party’s case. They also need to be able to clearly communicate the details of their client’s case to the opposing party. They must be able to deal with all parties involved in a professional manner at all times.

Help Clients Understand their Rights and Obligations

A solicitor will help their client understand the rights and obligations that exist in a particular situation. For example, if a client is being sued for damages by another party, their solicitor will help them understand their obligations and how they can defend themselves in court if necessary. A solicitor will also help their client understand how they can assert their rights in a situation. For example, if a client has been charged with a criminal offence, the client has a right to have their matter heard by the court. This right exists whether or not the client wishes to defend the charge or plead guilty. A solicitor will also advise the client charged with a criminal matter whether there is a valid defence or whether the client would be better off pleading guilty.

Researching the Case

A solicitor may research the facts of their case to try to find information that supports their client’s rights. Or they may research the law to determine what laws affect the client’s situation, and how those laws should be applied in this case. For example, This can help the solicitor to better understand the opposing party’s argument and to figure out how to best defend their client.

Negotiating Settlements

A solicitor may negotiate a settlement with the opposing party at any point during the case. This is often done at the beginning of the case to try to avoid going to court. Or it may be done after a case has started in court to see if the opposing party is willing to settle for a smaller amount. Negotiating a settlement is an important part of a solicitor’s job. It can be very stressful to be involved in a legal case, especially if it goes to court. It can be stressful for both parties involved in the case. Negotiating a settlement can help avoid unnecessary stress and cost. It can also help the parties avoid having to go to court, which can be a very stressful experience for everyone involved.

Represent Clients in Court

jury trialA solicitor may represent a client in court. This can include appearing in court on their client’s behalf and arguing their case. Or it may be more involved, such as when a solicitor is required to go to trial. A solicitor may represent a client in court if they were unable to reach a settlement with the opposing party after negotiating. Or they may represent a client in court if they are being taken to court by another party.

There are many different aspects of a solicitor’s job, and they can be very demanding at times. A solicitor may be required to work long hours and be on call especially if they’re representing a client who is currently in jail. They may have to travel between multiple locations if they have clients appearing in different courts. They may have to deal with difficult people, emotions, and stressful situations on a daily basis. A solicitor’s job isn’t for everyone, but it can be very rewarding. Many people find great satisfaction in helping others and resolving disputes. Being a solicitor can allow a person to do that every single day!


Law is a great profession for people who are detail-oriented, analytical, and have good communication skills. It’s a profession that requires a lot of research due to changing trends. The work can be very varied, although most solicitors do tend to focus on one or a small number of areas of law, which may cut down on the variety a little.

Now you know what does a solicitor do, on a day to day basis

so if you need a lawyer for a criminal charge, call Criminal Solicitors Sydney and Suburbs (02) 9533 2269.

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