Supreme Court of NSW

The Supreme Court is the superior court of record in the State of New South Wales. The Court has supervisory jurisdiction over other NSW courts which hear criminal matters, and generally exercises this jurisdiction through its appellate courts. It is the highest court in NSW, and Judges of this Court preside over only the most serious criminal trials, involving very serious types of offences.

Local Court in NSW

The Local Court has criminal and civil jurisdictions. In its criminal jurisdiction it deals with the majority of criminal and summary prosecutions in New South Wales. The Local Court also conducts committal proceedings to determine whether or not indictable offences are to be committed to the District or Supreme Courts.

District Court – Trials and Appeals

The District Court of New South Wales is the intermediate Court in the state’s judicial hierarchy. It is the largest trial court in Australia and has an appellate jurisdiction. It hears serious criminal offences, appeals from lower courts and civil proceedings.

Section 14 Applications

What is Section 14? – New Mental Health Regime for People Charged with Offences Who Suffer From Mental Health or Cognitive Problems Call for a Section 14 mental health lawyer now – Criminal Lawyers Sydney and Suburbs – (02) 9533 2269 People who suffer from a mental illness or a cognitive impairment (or both) who...

Section 32 Application

If you suffer from a mental illness, condition or disorder, or a developmental disability, and you have been charged with a criminal offence, you may possibly be eligible to be dealt with pursuant to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act.

Section 10 – No Conviction Recorded

What is a section 10 dismissal? Or a section 10 Bond? And when can they be imposed by the Courts? Section 10 allows a Magistrate or Judge to, although finding a matter proven, decide not to record a conviction. This may be either by way of a complete dismissal under section 10 (1) (a), or by way of a Bond, under section 10 (1) (b).
Brigitte Simeonides & Associates, Solicitors, P.O. Box 2068, PEAKHURST. N.S.W. 2210.

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