Drink Driving Criminal Solicitor
One of the most common offences that a criminal solicitor deals with is drink driving. As you may know, the majority of these offences are not committed by hardened criminals. More often than not, they are regular people like you, who have had a few drinks on the way home and they happened upon the breathalyzer tests that are randomly being conducted by officers that patrol the roads.
You may even have felt that you had all your wits about you and were not “over the limit” but it is very easy to exceed the legal limit of alcohol concentration in the blood, and as you may already have discovered, if you have broken the law, you will be arrested and charged, and now are facing a Court appearance.
There are, for fully licensed drivers in New South Wales, three levels of prescribed concentration of alcohol in the blood, classified as low range, mid range or high range. Those that are found to be in the low range will generally have less severe outcomes (which include fines and loss of licence for a specified period) than those that are in the higher ranges. Aggravating factors (which will increase the level of penalty you can expect to receive) include being involved in an accident, casualties, speeding and other types of reckless driving, or even more minor driving infringements such as failing to give way on a roundabout.
Criminal Solicitor for Drink Driving Offences
Many people think that drink driving is a traffic offence. It is not. It is a criminal offence, which is why you need a criminal solicitor. This type of law is actually quite complex and you will need an expert to explain to you all your options and to help you get the best outcome possible. Perhaps one of the most important factors you should consider when looking for a criminal lawyer is the experience they have in this area. This can mean the difference between coming out with a criminal record or not, or the difference between a 3 year disqualification or 12 months, or the difference between imprisonment or a fine, or even the difference between a $3,000 fine or a much lower amount. Call (02) 9533 2269 to speak to a Criminal Solicitor Sydney today.